Wander around the building and figure out the monster's true indentity in this quick Phasmophobia clone where you have to listen closely or you'll miss them.

WASD to move

Space to Open/Close Book

Development log


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A very fun experience! The ambience was dark and brooding, there is something about the use of light that is always really effective, the sounds of monsters in the dark, not knowing what was coming towards you is really fun, and the fog of war is just icing on the cake. 

Great game, I really liked the concepts behind it I think with a bit more polish it would elevate it a lot more, but i understand due to time constraints is difficult! 

Overall great experience! 


i got Ezdiad for my first time and it was scary

nice game


I love the use of stereo sound to try and find which way the monster is located. The noise the monster made while roaming around did freak me out a few times, and when I first heard that scream it made, it really startled me. The use of darkness certainly played well into the horror atmosphere, as the fear that I might end up be wandering to a dead end adds to the panic (especially if you're currently being chased by the monster), not to mention it would make players more acutely aware of the game's sound. The art for the game's pretty cute, although I wished the monster's design looked more intimidating. Perhaps make the guy bigger? I dunno. Overall, very cool game, and I look forward to ones you'll make in the future!